
The predecessor of our department was the Physics program in the department of physics and chemistry, National Taiwan Normal College, founded in 1946. We branched out in 1962, established physics master program in 1974 and Ph.D. program in 1991. For a long time, it has been our duty to train secondary school physics teachers in Taiwan, while we were not forgetting to pursue innovation and improvement in the research. To date, we have produced an Academician of Academia Sinica and close to a hundred of researchers of Academia Sinica and professors of universities. Not to mention, we have also produced many of the high-tech specialists in all kinds of industry. After the secondary school teacher nurture law was amended in 1994, on the basis of what we have and with all our efforts, we have been promoting ourselves into an outstanding department emphasizing both basic research and applied science.

The focus of this department’s research includes: condensed-matter physics, surface science and nanotechnology, high-energy physics and string theory, biophysics and soft-matter physics, atomic, molecular, and optical physics, and science education. We have over thirty full-time professors and several part-time and adjunct professors. Our faculty members have hold about thirty research projects from National Science Council annually, and total grant funds are over forty million NT per year. Our research results are marvelous, publishing about 70 articles on the renowned SCI journals each year. In addition to basic researches, we have also promoted online education and digital science research to bolster the science education and learning systems.

In response to the changing times and the different needs and career plans of students, this department is constantly making adjustments to our courses. In addition to the upgrades in the core physics courses and secondary school teacher training program, we are emphasizing the career counseling and professional skills, adding more applied science courses such as the Electro-Optical program to foster semiconductor, modern optics, and photonics science and technology professionals. To enhance the research manpower and also help nurture academic and high-tech experts in Taiwan, through the pre-master degree program and the direct Ph.D. program, undergraduate students in this department have the opportunity to obtain the master degree in five years and the Ph.D. in seven years.



National Taiwan Normal University ( Gongguan Campus )

Address:Department of Physics, 88, Sec.4, Ting-Chou Rd., Taipei 116, Taiwan