Time:1121108 (Wed.) 14:20~16:20 Speaker:Prof.吳俊毅(Jun-Yi Wu) 淡江大學物理學系/Department of physics, Tamkang University Title:Distributed quantum computing for scaling up quantum computation Abstract:The scalability of a quantum processor unit (QPU) is limited by the connectivity of qubits, which is intrinsically limited by the topology of a physical system. A solution to this problem is the distributed quantum computing (DQC), in which one harnesses the connectivity of a quantum internet to implement global unitaries among QPUs employing entanglement-assisted local operations and classical communication (LOCC). As entanglement is expensive to distributed over quantum internet, to make DQC feasible in experiments, we need an entanglement-efficient protocol. To this end, we introduce a notion of embedding and develop an entanglement-efficient DQC protocol based on “distributing enhanced by embedding”. We show that the structure of distributability and embeddability of a circuit can be represented by two types of graphs, namely the packing graphs and conflict graphs. Based on these graphs, we derive heuristic algorithms for finding an entanglement-efficient packing of distributing processes. These algorithms can determine the required entanglement cost and the number of local ancillary qubits in the DQC. We apply these algorithms for bipartite DQC of UCC circuits and find a significant entanglement reduction through embeddings. Place:S102, Gongguan Campus, NTNU |