110-2 SEMINAR 黃建龍(成大物理)-1110601

Time:1110601 (Wed.) 14:20~16:20
Speaker:Prof.黃建龍(Chien-Lung Huang) 國立成功大學物理學系/Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University
Title:To order, or not to order, that is the question: a ferromagnetic quantum critical point and a quantum spin liquid
Abstract:Exotic physical properties, arising from quantum mechanical interactions between quasiparticles, emerge near the boundary between magnetic order and disorder phase. In my talk, I will present experimental signatures of two such examples: (1) a ferromagnetic quantum critical point and (2) a quantum spin liquid. Both materials are deemed important reference systems in which quantum effect dictates underlying physics, and, plausibly, promote emergent phenomena, such as unconventional superconductivity and quantum entanglement.
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