111-2 SEMINAR 楊雅惠(中央太空科技)-1120517

Time:1120517 (Wed.) 14:20~16:20
Speaker:Prof.楊雅惠(Ya-Hui Yang) 國立中央大學太空科學與科技研究中心/Center for Astronautical Physics and Engineering, National Central Universit
Title:Solar flare and its associations
Abstract:Solar flare is one of the most explosive phenomena in the solar system that large amount of magnetic free energy releases in a short time, which can further accelerate charged particles, heat plasma, and emit radiations from radio through optical to X-ray and γ-ray. Therefore, the most important issue for solar flare is to investigate the energy release and particle acceleration processes. It is generally accepted that the magnetic reconnection is responsible for the energy release in solar flares. The flare-accelerated particles generated in the corona can move downward to the lower solar atmosphere and/or propagate upward along the open magnetic fields into the interplanetary space. Radio emissions are the helpful diagnostic tool to trace and study the dynamics of accelerated particles propagating through the corona and interplanetary space. In this talk, I will first introduce the solar flare characteristics in multi-wavelength observations relevant to magnetic reconnection theory and the standard flare model. Then I will present the research works on the electric DC-field and shock accelerations in the corona, fine structures seen in a radio dynamic spectrogram, as well as the solar radio bursts detected by Parker Solar Probe (PSP) during its encounter phase. This talk will be finished by flare-associated space weather effects. Place:S101, Gongguan Campus, NTNU
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