112-2 SEMINAR 陳明堂(中研院天文所)-1130403

Time:1130403 (Wed.) 14:20~16:20
Speaker:Prof.陳明堂(Ming-Tang Chen)
中央研究院天文及天文物理研究所/Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Academia Sinica
Title:The Greenland Telescope, Black Hole Shadow, and Photon Ring
Abstract:The Greenland Telescope[i] started scientific observations in 2018. Currently, the Telescope is located at Pituffik Space Base (PSB) in the northwestern corner of Greenland and has participated in the observing campaigns of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) and the Global Millimeter-wave VLBI Array(GMVA). The first scientific results featuring the GLT revealed a panoramic picture of the black hole and its jet at a 3 mm wavelength[ii]. The next GLT result will come from the 2018 EHT observations, displaying a sharper black hole image at 1.3 mm. As is expected, many new and exciting research outcomes will be published from the observations after 2018.
The next stage of the GLT project aims to capture the most distinctive signature of general relativity–the photon rings. In their current planning, the EHT and its next-generation follow-up cannot resolve the features of the photon rings because of the lack of the required angular resolution. To achieve such a scientific breakthrough, we will relocate the GLT to Summit Station and conduct observations at 600 GHz and higher. I will present the status of the GLT and its plan for achieving our next goals.
Place:B101, Gongguan Campus, NTNU
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