Full-Time Faculty

Lu, Ting-Hua
Professor and Chair
Education: Ph. D., National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Research Fields: Light-matter interaction, Laser physics
Research expertise: Micro-Photoluminescence/Raman Spectroscopy,
Optical Angular Momentum Techniques,
Laser Physics Techniques
Tel: (02)7749-6091
Email: thlu@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: https://web.ntnu.edu.tw/~thlu/

Chen, Chuan-Ren
Professor and Associate Chair
Education: Ph. D., Michigan State University, USA.
Research Fields: Theoretical Particle Physics
Tel: (02)7749-6016
Email: crchen@ntnu.edu.tw

Kao, Hsien-Chung
Education: Ph.D.,Department of Physics, Columbia University
Research Fields: field theory
Research expertise: Quantum Field Theory, Cosmology, String Theory
Tel: (02)7749-6033
Email: hckao@phy.ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~hckao/

Wu, Wen-Chin
Education: Ph. D., University of Toronto, Canada
Research Fields: Theoretical Condensed-Matter Physics
Research expertise: Condensed Matter Theory,
Quantum Magnetism,
Strongly Correlated Systems,
Bose-Einstein Condensation
Tel: (02)7749-6037
Email: wu@phy.ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~wu/

Chen, Chi-Ming
Education: Ph. D., University of Michigan, USA
Research Fields: Membrane Protein Folding.
Synchronized Activities of Neuron Networks.
Polymer Physics
Research expertise: Biophysics、condensed matter physics
Tel: (02)7749-6039
Email: cchen@phy.ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~cchen/

Chang, Ming-Che
Education: Ph. D., University of Texas at Austin, USA
Research Fields: Condensed-matter physics
Research expertise: magnetization properties of Frustrated antiferromagnetic, Persistent spin
current in a spin ring and semiconductor, Effects of spin–Orbit Coupling and spin currents
Tel: (02)7749-6040
Email: changmc@phy.ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~changmc/

Liu, Hsiang-Lin
Education: Ph. D., University of Florida, USA
Research Fields: Advanced optical spectroscopy techniques.
Research expertise: Optical properties of strongly correlated electron materials, Optical properties of graphene and two dimensional atomic crystals
Tel: (02)7749-6092
Email: hliu@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://home.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~a100/

Fu, Tsu-Yi
Education: Ph. D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Research Fields: Surface Science、atom resolved microscope , atomic dynamics、single atom tips
Research expertise: Surface Science、atom resolved microscope , atomic dynamics、single atom tips
Tel: (02)7749-6015
Email: phtifu@phy.ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://arml.web.fc2.com/news.html

Tsay, Jyh-Shen
Education: Ph. D., National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Research Fields: Physical properties of ultrathin films, Low-dimensional magnetic materials
Research expertise: Nanoscale science; the properties of ultra-thin films which include the bilayers, the multi-layer films and the alloy films that only have the thickness of a mere couple atomic layers. To combine theory and practice, our investigation covers the magnetism
Tel: (02)7749-6672
Email: jstsay@phy.ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://phy168.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/Lab/

Lin, Feng-Li
Education: Ph. D., University of Utah, USA
Tel: (02)7749-6035
Email: linfl@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~linfengli/

Lin, Wen-Chin
Education: Ph. D.,National Taiwan University
Research Fields: Surface Science, Magnetism, Nanomaterials
Research expertise: Ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) systems, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), Low energy electron diffraction(LEED), Molecular beam epitaxy(MBE), UHV-scanning tunneling microscope (STM), Magneto optical Kerr effect (MOKE)
Tel: (02)7749-6686
Email: wclin@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://web.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~wclin/

Jiang, Fu-Jiun
Education: Ph. D. ,Duke university, USA
Research Fields: Computational physics, Lattice QCD, Theoretical condensed matter physics
Research expertise: Monte Carlo simulations, Chiral perturbation theory
Tel: (02)7749-6028
Email: fjjiang@ntnu.edu.tw

Chao, Yu-Chiang
Education: Ph. D., National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Research Fields: Optoelectronic materials and devices
Time-resolved spectroscopy
Research expertise: Organic and perovskite light-emitting diodes
, Organic and perovskite solar cells, Vertical transistors, Time-resolved spectroscopy of nanomaterials
Tel: (02)7749-6095
Email: ycchao@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://web.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~ycchao

Lan, Yann-Wen
Education: PhD. National Taiwan University. Electrical engineering.
Research Fields: 2D material devices and it's physics、
2D material optical property、
2D material optoelectronics
Research expertise: Growth of 2D TMD materials, nanoelectronics fabrication and electrical measurement
Tel: (02)7749-6094
Email: ywlan@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://web.phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~ywlan

Chang, Chia-Hung
Associate Professor
Education: Ph. D., Harvard University, USA
Research Fields: Particle physics and filed theory
Particle physics and filed theory
Tel: (02)7749-6038
Email: chchang@phy.ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~chchang/

Lo, Chi-Kuen
Associate Professor
Education: Ph.D., University of Cambridge,UK
Research Fields: Spintronics、Magnetism of Surfaces、Ultra - High Vacuum technology
Research expertise: Spintronics、Magnetism of Surfaces、Ultra - High Vacuum technology
Tel: (02)7749-6089
Email: cklo@ntnu.edu.tw

Chen, Hong-Yi
Associate Professor
Research Fields:
Research expertise:
Tel: (02)7749-6032
Email: hongyi@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://web.ntnu.edu.tw/~hongyi

Lo, Fang-Yuh
Associate Professor
Education: Ph. D., Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Research Fields: thin film epitaxy, magnetism, semiconductor physcis, spintronics
Research expertise: thin film epitaxy, magnetism, semiconductor physcis, spintronics
Tel: (02)7749-6051
Email: fangyuhlo@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://web.ntnu.edu.tw/~fangyuhlo/

Lee, Wo-Lung
Associate Professor
Education: Ph. D., University of Arizona, USA
Research Fields: Cosmology, Large Scale Structure, Nonequilibrium Dynamics
Research expertise: Cosmology, Large Scale Structure, Nonequilibrium Dynamics
Tel: (02)7749-6036
Email: leewl@phy.ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://phy.ntnu.edu.tw/~leewl/

Chen, Yiing-Rei
Associate Professor
Education: Ph. D., State University of New York at Stony Brook, USA
Research Fields: condensed matter physics
Research expertise: condensed matter physics
Tel: (02)7749-6034
Email: yrchen@ntnu.edu.tw

Hsu, Yung-Yuan
Associate Professor
Education: Ph. D.,National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Research Fields: Superconductivity、magnetism、Cryogenics
Research expertise: Superconductivity、magnetism、Cryogenics
Tel: (02)7749-6093
Email: yyhsu@ntnu.edu.tw

Jiang, Pei-hsun
Associate Professor
Education: Ph. D., University of Chicago, USA
Research Fields: Experimental Condensed Matter
Research expertise: Low temperature physics, microwave measurements, quantum Hall effect, graphene, nano devices
Tel: (02)7749-6085
Email: pjiang@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: https://pjiang-ntnu.github.io/

Chiu, Hsiang-Chih
Associate Professor
Education: Univ. of California, Riverside Dep. of Physics and Astronomy
Research Fields: Atomic Force Microscopy
Research expertise: Atomic Force Microscopy
Tel: (02)7749-6042
Email: chiu@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: http://web.ntnu.edu.tw/~chiu

Chang, Yi-Ren
Associate Professor
Education: Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering, NCTU
Research Fields: single-molecule and single-cell biophysics
Research expertise: single molecule observation and manipulation, microscopic optics
Tel: (02)7749-6030
Email: yrchang@ntnu.edu.tw

Wu, Ya-Lin
Assistant Professor
Education: Ph. D., University of Arizona, USA
Research Fields: Astronomy, Star formation
Research expertise: multi-wavelength observations
Tel: (02)7749-6027
Email: yalinwu@ntnu.edu.tw

Pu, Hung-Yi
Assistant Professor
Education: Ph.D., National Tsing Hua University
Research Fields: Theory of black hole accretion and black hole relativistic jet, including their observable features such as black hole shadow and polarization properties
Research expertise: General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics, General Relativistic Radiative Transfer
Tel: (02)7749-6044
Email: hypu@ntnu.edu.tw
WebSite: https://hungyipu.wordpress.com/

You, Jhih-Shih
Assistant Professor
Education: Doctor of Philosophy, Physics, National Tsing Hua University
Research Fields: sTheoretical condensed matter physics, ultracold atom physics
Research expertise: Theoretical study on condensed matter and ultra-cold physics, with particular focus on non-equilibrium phenomena, orbital physics, topological phenomena, nonlinear effects and quantum phase transitions.
Tel: (02)7749-6029
Email: jhihshihyou@ntnu.edu.tw

Ku, Huan-Yu
Assistant Professor
Education: Ph.D., National Cheng-Kung University
Research Fields: Quantum information, Quantum foundation, Quantum Correlation
Research expertise: Theoretical study on quantum correlation, quantum foundation and its application to quantum information
Tel: (02)7749-6044
Email: huan.yu@ntnu.edu.tw