2024 Boson Club- 吳俊毅 (淡江物理)-1131220

Time:1131220 (Fri.) 15:00~17:00
Speaker:吳俊毅 (Jun-Yi Wu)
助理教授/Assistant Professor, 淡江大學物理學系/Department of physics, Tamkang University
Title:Scalability enhancement of quantum computing under limited connectivity through distributed quantum computing
Abstract:We employ quantum-volume random-circuit sampling to benchmark the performance of entanglement-assisted distributed quantum computing (DQC) with two quantum processing units (QPUs) and provide a comparative analysis with single-QPU quantum computing. Initially, a single-qubit depolarizing noise model is introduced within the random circuit framework, upon which a precise correspondence is established among three critical performance metrics: average gate fidelity, heavy output probability, and linear cross-entropy. An analytical approximation for average gate fidelity under this noise model is derived and demonstrated to align closely with numerical simulations. This approximation is obtained using a noise propagation matrix constructed from the extended connectivity graph of a DQC device. Numerical simulations indicate a scalability advantage for DQC in QPUs with constrained connectivity, enabled through the use of noisy entanglement. The proposed methodology provides a method for determining the noise threshold of entanglement required to enhance scalability in entanglement-assisted DQC configurations. 
[1] S.-H. Hu, G. Biswas, and J.-Y. Wu*, arXiv:2405.10942 (2024)
Place:F102, Gongguan Campus, NTNU
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