112-1 Boson Club 謝忠耘(Bristol, UK)-1121221

Time:1121221 (Thur.) 12:00~14:00
Speaker:謝忠耘(Chung-Yun Hsieh) Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Bristol, UK
Title:Can we stochastically distil quantum steering and measurement incompatibility?
Abstract:Quantum steering and measurement incompatibility are two central resources in device-independent quantum information science. Here, we thoroughly study their stochastic distillation, that is, the possibility and impossibility to enhance them by filter operations on the trusted party. First, we prove a necessary and sufficient condition for steering conversion under local filter operations. We characterise the conversion by the steering equivalent observables (SEO), which was first introduced to show that steering and measurement incompatibility are mathematically equivalent. We further provide an efficient method to compute the optimal steerability that can be stochastically distilled by local filters and show that it coincides with the SEO’s incompatibility. Hence, steering can be stochastically distilled, and measurement incompatibility sets a fundamental limitation for it. Finally, we show that measurement incompatibility cannot be stochastically distilled by combining measurements with a device that post-selects the incoming states on a fixed outcome of a stochastic transformation. Hence, despite their mathematical equivalence, steering and measurement incompatibility can be very different operationally.
[1] H.-Y. Ku, C.-Y. Hsieh, S.-L. Chen, Y.-N. Chen, and C. Budroni, Complete classification of steerability under local filters and its relation with measurement incompatibility, Nat. Commun. 13, 4973 (2022).
[2] H.-Y. Ku, C.-Y. Hsieh, and C. Budroni, Measurement incompatibility cannot be stochastically distilled, arXiv:2308.02252.
[3] C.-Y. Hsieh, H.-Y. Ku, and C. Budroni, Characterisation and fundamental limitations of irreversible stochastic steering distillation, arXiv:2309.06191.
Place:F104, Gongguan Campus, NTNU
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