112-1 Boson Club 葉乃裳(美國加州理工物理系)-1120920

Time:1120920 (Wed.) 15:50~17:20
Speaker:Prof.葉乃裳(Nai-chang Yeh) 美國加州理工學院物理學系/Deparment of Physics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA ; Chair Professor of Phy-NTNU
Title:A perspective of recent scientific and technological advances in the research of two- dimensional van der Waals materials*
Abstract:Two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) materials, such as graphene, hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), are quantum materials exhibiting a rich variety of properties that are not only exciting for scientific research but also promising for a wide range of technological applications. In this talk I will first summarize the recent developments in my group on graphene-based technologies, ranging from flexible electronics, interconnects, anti- corrosion for biomedical and photovoltaic applications, superlubricity, and photonics. These studies are all based on graphene synthesized by a scalable, reproducible, and industrially compatible method of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). Next, I will describe three topics of our scientific studies based on vdW materials, which include 1) straintronic devices based on nanoscale strain engineering of monolayer graphene that exhibit strain-controlled emerging quantum phenomena; 2) room-temperature topological photonics based on monolayer TMDs, plasmonic metasurfaces, and topological light (i.e., photons with nontrivial spin or orbital angular momenta); and 3) giant ferroelectric and optoelectronic responses from field effect transistors made of monolayer TMDs. Finally, I will discuss the outlook of developing scalable and CMOS compatible synthesis of monolayer and few-layer 2D-TMDs, which will be critically important for realizing the full technological potential of TMDs.
*In collaboration with Duxing Hao, Chen-Huan Lu, Daniel Anderson, Dr. Wei-Hsiang Lin, Dr. Chen-Chih Hsu, Dr. Wei-Shiuan Tseng, Professor Harry Atwater and Professor Yu-Chong Tai at Caltech; Dr. Chyi- Ming Leu at ITRI; Professor Ting-Hua Lu and Professor Yann-Wen Lan at NTNU; and Professor Chun- Liang Lin at NYCU.
Place:S102, Gongguan Campus, NTNU
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