110-1 SEMINAR 朱士維(台大物理)-1100929

Time:1100929 (Wed.) 14:20~16:20

Here is the link: meet.google.com/zyf-tkps-ure

Speaker:Prof. 朱士維(CHU, Shi-Wei)

國立臺灣大學物理學系/Department of Physics, National Taiwan University

Title:X-scan reveals giant photo-thermo-optical nonlinearity in a single nanostructure

Abstract:Nonlinear light-matter interactions are essential toward communication, sensing, imaging, etc. The conventional method of quantifying optical nonlinearity is z-scan, which typically works with thin films, and thus acquires ensemble nonlinear responses, not from single nanostructure. Here we present an x-scan technique that is based on a confocal laser scanning microscope with both forward and backward detections, offering simultaneous quantification for nonlinear behavior of scattering, absorption and total attenuation from a single nanostructure. From x-scan, we found exceptionally strong nonlinear scattering/absorption in plasmonic and silicon nanostructures via photothermal and thermo-optical interactions. Potential applications, including high-contrast all-optical switching and non-bleaching super-resolution microscopy, are demonstrated.

Place:B101, Gongquan Campuses, NTNU

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